Credentials as a Witness in Aquaculture Hearings

December, 2009
Mervin F. Roberts

Credentials as a witness in aquaculture hearings.

  • B.S. Alfred University, Alfred, New York, 1947

  • Former Chair, Governor’s Council for Marine Resources, State of Connecticut

  • Present Chair of Old Lyme Shellfish Commission, Connecticut; 25 years

  • Founder of Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority

  • Listed in American Men of Science and American Association for Advancement of Science

  • Author of about 25 books and pamphlets about animal husbandry in general and tidemarsh life in particular. Over 130 citations in Amazon and Google.

  • Established several Aquaculture projects in Maine including Beals and Cutler as a consultant. Also acted as consultant in Brazil, Ecuador, and Kerala, India. Testified in Department of Marine Resources hearings in Beals, Cutler and Mount Desert Island since about 1985.

  • Advised and monitored two atomic power plants on matters relating to inmpacts on wildlife.

  • Former Naval officer and former Third Mate, any ocean, any gross tons, steam. Boat operator.

  • Presently Chaplain, Old Lyme, Connecticut, Volunteer Fire Department

M F Roberts


How I Remember Alfred University