Credentials as a Witness in Aquaculture Hearings
December, 2009
Mervin F. Roberts
Credentials as a witness in aquaculture hearings.
B.S. Alfred University, Alfred, New York, 1947
Former Chair, Governor’s Council for Marine Resources, State of Connecticut
Present Chair of Old Lyme Shellfish Commission, Connecticut; 25 years
Founder of Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority
Listed in American Men of Science and American Association for Advancement of Science
Author of about 25 books and pamphlets about animal husbandry in general and tidemarsh life in particular. Over 130 citations in Amazon and Google.
Established several Aquaculture projects in Maine including Beals and Cutler as a consultant. Also acted as consultant in Brazil, Ecuador, and Kerala, India. Testified in Department of Marine Resources hearings in Beals, Cutler and Mount Desert Island since about 1985.
Advised and monitored two atomic power plants on matters relating to inmpacts on wildlife.
Former Naval officer and former Third Mate, any ocean, any gross tons, steam. Boat operator.
Presently Chaplain, Old Lyme, Connecticut, Volunteer Fire Department
M F Roberts